Nedávno som renovovala obývačku. Na stenu som si chcela nakresliť nejaký motív so stromom no nakoniec som sa rozhodla dať si na stenu nálepku. Tento motív sa mi najviac páčil tak som si ho objednala v tmavo šedej.
I recently renovated living room. I wanted to draw some tree to wall but in the end I decided to put a sticker on the wall. This theme I liked the most so I ordered it in grey color.
Westík pomáhal :o) Vždy keď sa niečo položí na zem (čokoľvek), Justin si na to ľahne.
Westie helped :o) Always when something is placed on the floor (anything), Justin lies on it.
Westie helped :o) Always when something is placed on the floor (anything), Justin lies on it.
Dostať nálepku z bielej fólie na priesvitnú bola fakt makačka. Ale výsledok stojí zato. Veď posúďte sami :o)
Get the sticker from white to transparent foil was a really hard work. But the result is worth for it. After all, judge for yourself :o)