Dnes by som vás chcela oboznámiť so skvelým módnym štýlom milej a krásnej herečky, menom Nina Dobrev. Možno mnohí z vás si pod jej menom vybavíte seriál The Vampire Diaries ( Upírske Denníky ), v ktorom stvárnila hlavnú postavu Eleny Gilbertovej. Mne sa osobne tento seriál veľmi páči a naďalej ho vrelo sledujem aj s mojou mladšou sestrou Monikou.
Späť k móde J. Jej módny vkus ma veľmi oslovil. Jej oblečenie je elegantné, nápadité, farebné, občas bláznivé, ale hlavne ju dopĺňa.
Tu, je zopár fotiek ...
Today I would like to present a great fashion style one beautiful actress named Nina Dobrev.
Perhaps many of you imagine under her name a tv series The Vampire Diaries, where she played the main character of Elena Gilbert. I really like this tv series and I still watch it with my younger sister Monika.
Back to fashion. Her fashion style has really approached me. Her clothes are elegant, imaginative, colorful, sometimes crazy, but mostly it added her.
Here are some photos ...
Tu, je zopár fotiek ...
Today I would like to present a great fashion style one beautiful actress named Nina Dobrev.
Perhaps many of you imagine under her name a tv series The Vampire Diaries, where she played the main character of Elena Gilbert. I really like this tv series and I still watch it with my younger sister Monika.
Back to fashion. Her fashion style has really approached me. Her clothes are elegant, imaginative, colorful, sometimes crazy, but mostly it added her.
Here are some photos ...
Nina a jej priateľ Ian Somerhalder (Damon) na odovzdávaní cien :)
Nina and her boyfriend Ian Somerhalder (Damon) at the ceremony:)
Nina pomáha Japonsku !!
Nina helps Japan !!
Nina sa podelila o svoje myšlienky, o katastrofe v Japonsku na twitteru. Peniaze z náramkov boli darované na podporu. "Červený kríž"
"Láme mi srdce, čo sa deje práve teraz v Japonsku a tsunami v Tichomorí, moje myšlienky a modlitby sa musia dostať von."
Nina shared her thoughts about the disaster in Japan on Twitter. Money from the bracelets were donated to support "Red cross"
"It breaks my heart, what is happening right now in Japan and tsunami in the Pacific, my thoughts and prayers must get out."
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