welcome to mia glamour

welcome to mia glamour

pondelok 7. apríla 2014

Tea time

Nedávno som si kúpila tieto 2 krásne čajíky v Marks and Spencer potravinách. Ich balenie sa nedalo prehliadnuť. Z veľkého množstva čajov, ktoré mali na výber som si vybrala bazový čajík s brusnicami a biely čaj s malinami a jahodami. Čajíky skvelo chutia a vyzerajú úžasne. Mám ich uložené na viditeľnom mieste a tak mi svojou farbou robia radosť :)

I recently bought these 2 beautiful tea in Marks and Spencer food. Their package couldn´t be overlooked. I chose elder with cranberries tea and white tea with raspberries and strawberries from the large amount of tea that they had a choise. Tea have a great taste and look amazing. I have them stored in a visible place where their colour makes me happy.

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